Infographic: The Generation Gap In Student Debt

Back in the 1940s, you could get a four-year college degree for under $500, even at the most prestigious colleges. Back then, it wasn’t even necessary to get a degree. It was seen as an accomplishment for those going over and beyond their standard education. Nowadays, a four-year college degree is the equivalent to a … Read more

There Is No Better Time To Organize Your Debts

Should you invest or pay off debt?The financial crisis was a wake-up call for those who needed to reign in their spending and limit the amount of debt they carried. If you want to end the year with less debt than you started with, then taking out a consolidation loan could be the answer.

What is a Consolidation Loan?

Basically these loans cover the existing balances on all your other unsecured debts, leaving you with one monthly repayment. They can cover anything from credit cards and store cards to personal loans. As the loan is secured on your property, some lenders can offer poor credit history loans. However, if you miss repayments, you could put your home at risk of repossession.

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